I’ve been there. In my life I’ve had bosses tell me to read all kinds of books. From the 42 Laws of Power, The First 90 Days, The Phoenix Project, The Goal, Customer Success, You’re Invited, and even The Great Divorce. I’m a good worker-bee so I always read everything, but I understand not everyone is. Once, as a boss, I requested everyone on my team read The Phoenix Project. One person, we’ll call them Ginny just kept dragging their feet. Finally, I opened a ticket and requested that Ginny take the ticket. The contents of the ticket? “Please read the Phoenix Project.” I Why’d I do it? I wanted everyone on the team to have a shared experience. But maybe that makes you roll your eyes. And if so- I’ve got the solution for you!
I’m Going To Read the Book I Just Need Motivation
I totally get this. Starting is the hardest part. So my suggestion is buy a pack of M&Ms *or Cadbury GEMS if you can find them). Eat one for every page you complete. Pretty soon you’ll have gotten started.
I Don’t Have Time To Read The Book
Usually, I hear this from people who are good workers but overworked. The good news is that this book is the perfect excuse to show your boss just how much you do.
Most people can get through Chapter 1 in 30 minutes. So I am authorizing you to book a 30 minute meeting with yourself and read the first chapter. If your boss has an issue with it just tell them you’re just doing as they asked.
If stuff starts to fall around you- please point this out to your boss. If your boss “doesn’t care” then this is a clear indication that your Work Ahead is to look for a better job. I’m sorry you had to find out this way, but I’m happy at how amazing you’ll feel at your new job.
There is No Way I’m Going To Read The Book
Ok. I won’t tell you what happens in the book but I’ll tell you what you need to tell your boss to get awy with not reading it.
1. Change is a major part in everyone’s life. Sometimes we are forced to change how we do a job and sometimes we’re forced to change jobs. If we go with the change we can be successful no matter how different the change is.
2. Words have power. What we say has influence over others in ways we cannot possibly imagine. Words can change the course of our job or our lives and we just say them without thinking. Imagine what we could do if we were intentional about them.
3. Sometimes bad things just happen and there’s nothing we can do about them. When these things happen we can’t blame ourselves and we have to realize others have authonomy over their own actions.
4. It was a good book and I recommend it to others.
5. Ask your boss what they thought was interesting about it and if they ask you then just say “I liked the rap battles.”